World AIDS DAY 2018

Know your HIV status by testing today.
Ensure that you have access to preventive measures.
If you are living positively, ensure that you have access to treatment and care services.
Know your HIV status by testing today.
Ensure that you have access to preventive measures.
If you are living positively, ensure that you have access to treatment and care services.
STAPS is like our family school.
My late grandfather studied there, my uncles too studied there, my two elder siblings were there too. Even now, I have a niece there, Haisibwa Maria Vivian in p.4 class.
With this, STAPS has laid a big foundation for our family. It helped us to join good secondary schools.
Personally, I went to Maryhill and it’s Mrs. Mutungi Margaret who got me a slot because I had agg 8 and Maryhill had sold me to Immaculate Heart which I didn’t want to go to.
Happy New Year from all of us at St. Aloysius Primary School!
May you be showered with God’s blessings for Love, Joy and prosperity in 2019 and beyond.
Hello Saints, we are updating the Old Boys and Girls Database and would like every member to fill this form ladies and gentlemen.
We shall be grateful if you share the link with other members who have not visited this blog.
STAPS the Eco School St Aloysius Primary School is a day and boarding mixed primary school found in Western Uganda, Mbarara District, Uganda, East Africa with a pupil enrolment of 1095 pupils. The school got attracted to join the Eco schools programme. It applied to join the programme and it was taken on.The Eco school committee…
Easter was the beginning of HOPE for all. That HOPE continues on to today and in the future. Happy Easter to you all! #StAloysiusSTAPS #EasterGreetings #STAYSAFEUG #WeStillStriveForSuccess #NurturingGenerationsSince1938
We continue to thank the Almighty Father in Heaven for keeping us safe and healthy in this worldwide #COVID19 Lockdown. Hopefully someday soon we shall return to normalcy and return to school and to our places of worship. #WeStillStriveForSuccess #NurturingGenerationsSince1938