STAPS Alumni ExCo Candidate Nominations
The day is finally here Saints. Submit Your Nominations here.
The day is finally here Saints. Submit Your Nominations here.
SCHOOL PROFILE: St. Aloysius Primary School was founded in 1938 by the Roman Catholic Church. It started where the Administration offices of Nyamitanga Parish are. It boarders with Maryhill High School on the right side and St. Lawrence Primary School and Poor Clares Convent on the left side. On the upper side, it boarders with…
St. Aloysius P/S wins the UNCCD worldwide competition on combating desertification UNCCD Call to Children and Youth: What Future For Soil and Land You Want? In the run-up to Rio+20, UNCCD called children and youth around the world to tell us what future they want for land and soil. The theme for the submissions was…
St. Aloysius Primary School is on Facebook Looking back at the good old days we spent at our lovely school. I have a lot to reminisce about my Elementary school but I may not put it all down. Maybe some one or all of us in the group will text something for us to read. I’ll…
STAPS is like our family school.
My late grandfather studied there, my uncles too studied there, my two elder siblings were there too. Even now, I have a niece there, Haisibwa Maria Vivian in p.4 class.
With this, STAPS has laid a big foundation for our family. It helped us to join good secondary schools.
Personally, I went to Maryhill and it’s Mrs. Mutungi Margaret who got me a slot because I had agg 8 and Maryhill had sold me to Immaculate Heart which I didn’t want to go to.
Happy New Year from all of us at St. Aloysius Primary School!
May you be showered with God’s blessings for Love, Joy and prosperity in 2019 and beyond.
It is a New Month with new opportunities that all of us ought to harness and of course complete the work in progress as we also remember to prepare for the unavoidable challenges that may come along. Happy New Month!