
Our Story

Our Humble but Strong background.

St. Aloysius Primary School is a Day and Boarding Mixed Primary School found at 2 miles along the Mbarara – Kabale Highway.  It is about ½ a km. from the main road.  It boarders with Maryhill High School on the right side and St. Lawrence Primary School and Poor Clares’ Convent on the left side.  On the upper side, it boarders with Faculty of Counselling – Mbarara Catholic University.

This school was founded in 1938 by the Roman Catholic Church.  It started as single sex school, taking boys only.  It was started by Rev.Fr. Johns Lawrence, who was in charge of Schools by then, and he was the Chairman School Management Committee (SMC).

With time, the number of children increased and yet the buildings were not enough to accommodate all the pupils.  This led to the creation of another school, the current St. Lawrence Primary School.

Mbarara Catholic Diocese allocated land to the school.  Then the missionaries and parents began putting up structures, and they vacated the current Administration Offices where the school was by then, and settled where it is today.  At the time, Mr. Mbareebaki Petero was the headteacher, and the enrolment was at 400pupils.

The School was later on government grant aided, and it became co-educational in the early 70’s. This increased the enrolment to around 600 pupils.  However, boys outnumbered the girls, a phenomenon which is common today.

Our Headteachers​

We have had 7 Headteachers since our inception. ​

Among the first Headteachers were the Late Edward Ntendeere, the Late Mashaya and the Late Petero Mwiru.

Mr. Kabuzire Adrian became the Headteacher of the school in 1970 a post he held for 27years until 1997 when he suffered from a stroke, which later claimed his life in 2001.  During his tenure of office, the school was upgraded to a Grade I School and was given an examination centre.  The Examination Centre number is 007097.

Mr. Betunga Deus took over from late Kabuzire in 1998.  He headed the school until June 2001 when the current Headteacher, Mrs. Kashaija Betty, took over.  Ever since then, the school has grown tremendously.  It now boasts of an enrolment of 1130 pupils.  Modern structures have been put up and are enclosed in a live fence strengthened with barbed wire, complete with permanent gates.  The school has 22 streams.

The currentHeadteacher is Asiimwe Gratiano.

Co-Curricular Activities

St. Aloysius Primary School aims at holistic Education. The School has not only been excelling in academics, but also in Games and Sports. In 2009, the school choir and the scouts excelled up to the National level.

We won the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for Environment Conservation.

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is An international accreditation that has recognised and rewarded young people’s environmental actions for over 25 years. This is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people.

We Teach​

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Drama
  • Debate
  • Platforms
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • User Research
  • UI Animations


  • MDD
  • Scouting
  • Environment
  • Choir
  • Robotics
  • Social & PR
  • Media
  • Football
  • Volleyball

Implementing Team

Meet our great team of awesome seasoned educators, parents and trainers in various disciplines. These have helped St. Aloysius Primary School to nurture generations since 1938.
There are 27 teachers on Government pay-roll and 12 private teachers, totaling to 39. The school employs a school nurse, an Accounts clerk, 2 secretaries 3 watchmen, 4 Shamba men, 6 cooks, 3 matrons and 2 wardens.

China Urban

Deputy Academics

Nuwamanya Gordon


Margaret Mutungi(Mrs)

Deputy Administration

Nahurira Esher


Tutungye Evaristo


Kibuuka Sulaiman


Tumuramye Francis


Asiimwe Emmanuel


Mugisha Gaspar


Selected Events

A sneak peek into our Selected events at our magnificent campus.

Ready to Nurture Your Loved Ones With Us?

Book a slot for your little angels today by sending us a message in the contact section by tapping the button below. You can alternatively send us an email on or call the Headmaster on +256701152590 or +256782121028.


The school’s academic performance has been improving year by year, this being the result of team work among the staff and the parents. Below is a table showing P.L.E results for the last 5 years.
In 2010, our boy, Muhumuza Innocent, scored 4 aggregates and is now at Mbarara High School.  All our former students are doing well and are in good schools.

Division 135
Division 2114
Division 302
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 123
Division 2130
Division 308
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 147
Division 2102
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X01
Division 159
Division 243
Division 301
Division 401
Division U00
Division X01
Division 159
Division 268
Division 301
Division 400
Division U00
Division X02
Division 178
Division 241
Division 301
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 166
Division 251
Division 300
Division 401
Division U00
Division X01
Division 183
Division 250
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 162
Division 272
Division 301
Division 400
Division U00
Division X02
Division 166
Division 263
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X01
Division 173
Division 265
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 181
Division 260
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 189
Division 274
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00
Division 188
Division 251
Division 300
Division 400
Division U00
Division X00


By 21st September, 2012 there were 660 Boys and 470 Girls totaling to 1130 pupils altogether. Below is the school enrollment for the last six years.


Co-Curricular Activities

St. Aloysius Primary School aims at holistic Education. The School has not only been excelling in academics, but also in Games and Sports. In 2009, the school choir and the scouts excelled up to the National level.

In Football (under-14), the school team participated in Holy Innocents Cup for 2010 and 2011 and emerged the winner.  The cup is still with us. The school also participated in Maryhill Marathon in 2011 and emerged the best performing school.  We were recognized with a trophy from MTN Uganda. This year 2012, 8 pupils were selected from the school athletics team to represent Mbarara Municipality in the National athletics Championship.  During this event, one of our boys Ssemanda Aaron P.6, emerged the 5th in 800M  in the whole country.
The school has managed to level its own playground. The challenge remains fencing it and planting grass.

Other clubs in the school include:
Anti-AIDS, Youth Alive and Volley ball.

Religious Affairs

The school respects the three main religions i.e The Roman Catholic, COU, and Islam. Each denomination has a teacher i/c, whose duty is to organize for special religious services, Baptism and Confirmation of children in their respective denominations.
Every Wednesdays and Sundays all teachers and the children attend mass from the Cathedral following the church time-table(program).
In the school, there are members of the Legion of Mary, and we are also training members of Missionary Holy childhood.


The school community is deeply indebted to all organizations and sponsors who choose St. Aloysius Primary School for their sponsored children. The school receives assistance from; Rev. Fr. Charlie Beirne, St. Francis Family Helper Programme, Compassion Uganda, Rev. Sr. Lilian, Dr. Oliver Murphy and the Archbishop’s office. Through these people and organizations, many of our vulnerable children are able to come to school.


This is an American based charity organization aiming at connecting children to the outside world. The school is lucky to be one of the beneficiaries. The organization donated two sets of TVs(screens), two DVDs, Discs with Educative lessons and a variety of instructional materials. Through this organization the school is patterned with Schools in America for Exchange Programme.

CECOD (Conservation Efforts for Community Development)

It is a non-Governmental Organisation with an objective of promoting environmental conservation. It is an international organization and the school was connected by CECOD Uganda. All children in the school are members with an Eco-Parliament where the speaker and members are all children from different classes. CECOD is still very new in the school, but it has done marvelous things;

  • It co-sponsored a 20,000 liter rainwater harvesting tank.
  • It involved our pupils in Essay writing at the international level. Two of our girls won that Essay.
  • Donated tree – seedlings.
  • Patterned the school with children abroad(Finland and Belgium) from where a donation of shs.3,260,000/= was realized. The donation will be used in constructing improved cooking stoves.
  • The organization offered a workshop to all teachers on how to integrate environment in the school curriculum using the IVAC approach.

Fr. Charlie Beirne

Rev. Fr. Charlie Beirne and Dr. Oliver Murphy did not stop at providing school fees. In 2005, Dr. Oliver, through a loan scheme, put up a four – classroom block which was completed in 2006 and it was commemorated after his late wife, ‘Margaret Murphy’. In 2008, Rev. Fr. Charlie also loaned us another three – classroom Block, named ‘Christian Manley,’ a friend who died in an aeroplane crash. These two classroom blocks came at a time when they were badly needed. The school also has a Nursery section as a private entity from Baby to Top class. In 2011, the parents of the Nursery also contributed towards putting up one classroom. The Nursery enrolment is at 102 pupils.

School Management Committee

All the above mentioned are managed by two committees i.e The School Management Committee (SMC) and the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) being chaired by Mr. Karara Festo and Mr. D.Tinaako Mukasa Ssalongo respectively. These two committees often meet as a joint committee and plan together for the good of the school. St. Aloysius Primary School is a thriving School which needs the support of all concerned people.  The School Mission is “We Still strive to give quality Education to every Child.”

Finance Committee

Bemanya Francis

Academic Committee

Mugimba Edmand

Disciplinary Committee
