St. Aloysius P/S wins the UNCCD worldwide competition on combating desertification
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St. Aloysius P/S wins the UNCCD worldwide competition on combating desertification

St. Aloysius P/S wins the UNCCD worldwide competition on combating desertification UNCCD Call to Children and Youth: What Future For Soil and Land You Want? In the run-up to Rio+20, UNCCD called children and youth around the world to tell us what future they want for land and soil. The theme for the submissions was…



St. Aloysius Primary School was founded in 1938 by the Roman Catholic Church. It is a government aided school from nursery school to primary 7. There are 331 boarders amongst the 1,173 total students who attend the school. There are 17 classrooms for the students and 38 teachers. Per term St. Aloysius charges 39,500 shillings…