What makes St. Aloysius Primary School a second Home for me

My memories and attachment to St. Aloysius Primary School are nostalgic that I just can’t call it anything less than home.

I joined STAPS in 2007 from a village school and didn’t even know English. When I joined, I was in P.3 and was very challenged by not only the new environment, but also the academic standards that were light years ahead of my previous school. My dad was friends with some of the administrators and they helped me a lot like they had helped my elder siblings who had also enrolled there before me.

I vividly remember how Mr Kamujuni JohnBosco (who was the Deputy Headteacher at the time) would always send me back to class in case I would be sent for any pending school dues. I was never sent home for school fees because the administration was understanding.

STAPS is like our family school.

My late Grandfather studied there, my uncles too studied there, my two elder siblings were there too. Even now, I have a niece there, Haisibwa Maria Vivian in p.4 class.

With this, STAPS has laid a big foundation for our family. It helped us to join good secondary schools.

I personally remember and appreciate the key administrators I found at STAPS, ie Mrs. Kashaija Betty (Headteacher 2001-2020), the late Kamujuni JohnBosco (Deputy Headteacher 98-2009) and Mrs. Mutungi Margaret (Teacher, Senior Woman & Deputy Headteacher 09-2022). These people struggled to see us perform well. They would admit children from everywhere without discrimination like some big schools do but they would make sure they get the best out of you.

After P.7 where I did PLE in 2011, I was very lucky to get admitted to Maryhill High School. I had scored AGG 8 at PLE and Maryhill had sold me to Immaculate Heart which I didn’t want to go to. Mrs Mutungi Margaret negotiated with the Administration at Maryhill and that’s how I finally got a slot on the most prestigious girls school in Mbarara City. At Maryhill, I was able to pick interest in Languages, but French stood out and to this day, I’m glad it is the one that puts food on my table. As evidenced above, my whole foundation is from the key administrators that I mentioned. They shaped me from St Aloysius and prepared me for a great future.

Madam Margaret Mutungi (Mrs) was really selfless not only in class but also cared for our welfare. These people gave us a great & firm foundation on which we stand today. I wouldn’t be who I am today.

I can’t thank STAPS enough. My school, my pride… I still strive for success🥰🥰

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