
Greetings OBs, OGs, OTs and well wishers, we’re happy to see you here once again or even if it is your first time, you are very welcome to our wonderful community and we hope you will feel at home as you browse the blog.
In 2015, while I was visiting St. Aloysius Primary School, I happened to meet our wonderful beautiful teacher of English Mrs. Mutungi Margaret who as we walked around the magnificent school premises she informed me of the changes in the school among which was the opening of the New Boys’ Hostel that had been constructed behind the former Infantry section. These male Hostelers were using two former classes and the former Main Hall (P.7) [for those who were at STAPS in the Mr. Kabuzire Adrian reign] as their dormitories before their hostel was constructed.
Cutting the long story short, the rooms were vacated and the school now has three free rooms among which is the former Main Hall which is not only big enough but also adjustable to suite a good computer lab. She suggested that the rooms can be converted to accommodate a Computer Lab(s) if we could source for computers from Old pupils and/or other Well Wishers.
We are looking at a budget of US$ 7100 or more for 33 brand new computers(workstations) with help of Desktop Virtualization Environment by nComputing to make this #STAPSComputerProject dream a reality ladies and gentlemen.
I am sure we can do this if only we can give wholeheartedly. Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend and before we know it, this dream will have come true.
Let the Fundraising begin.
Posted by; Tusiime Innocent Boub
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